Blended Learning for greater engagement

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Everyone working in the training and education sectors has heard of Blended Learning. The major disturbances to teaching since 2020 have forced the most reluctant among us to re-examine the learning experience and therefore the methods involved. But how is Blended Learning defined? What benefits does it offer? How can you implement a Blended Learning strategy in your organisation? Find all the answers in this article.

What is blended learning? 

Definition: blended learning is a combination of several types of in-class and remote, synchronous and asynchronous learning methods.
There can be numerous methods, used at every stage of the training: digital learning (e-learning or mobile learning), web-conference training, in-class training, individual or group sessions, etc. 


What are the benefits of Blended Learning? 

Blended learning offers an array of advantages, both for learners and training managers. It provides a whole host of possibilities which consistently focus on training effectiveness, learners’ needs and streamlining costs and resources.

• Varied methods for greater retention

Arguably one of the major advantages, diversified methods, improves learning. Digital learning for certain training content, considered to be accessible without support, and in-class training for activities which require practical application. What’s more, if your digital content is mobile learning content, it can be used to support in-class application activities (phygital learning).

• Blended learning which meets a learner’s needs and pace

Making part of the course available asynchronously means learners can learn whenever they wish and more importantly, whenever they really need to. Indeed, training closely mirrors the workplace situation, in which learners are confronted with specific problems they wish to resolve. Above all, this is a good way for learners to pinpoint moments in which they are fully concentrated. Similarly, classroom sessions can be of particular interest for discussing specific topics. Classroom sessions are also ideal for co-creation or for practical work.

• In-class training cost rationalisation and overcoming the pressure of resources

Learners are not the only ones to reap substantial benefits. Training teams can cut back on in-class time or at least, optimise sessions to make them more effective. Overhauling these sessions can help simplify training planning. On the one hand, fewer resources are allocated to in-class training. Indeed, in-class training is restricted to a limited number, while the resources earmarked for designing digital learning content can help to reach the entire population without any geographical or time constraints. On the other hand, fewer training hours are needed and therefore there are fewer scheduling problems.

In conclusion, in-class time becomes a moment of sharing with high added value. It facilitates discussion and enables real issues to be solved. Trainers can answer learners’ questions, in particular those arising from asynchronous sessions. 

How can you implement a blended training strategy which fosters engagement?

As we said earlier, it is vital to hone your Blended Learning strategy so that it meets real needs. To foster engagement, closely adhere to the definition of blended learning by combining methods. To choose the methods best suited to specific learning goals, or specific training sequences, you should begin by carrying out an inventory. 

  • Taking stock of your training offer

The purpose of an inventory is to highlight the content you have, as well as its pedagogical goals, (to discover a product or a concept, master a tool, learn regulatory requirements, develop soft skills and so on). Your inventory must also link your content to its target population. How many learners have or will have access to this sequence? are they geographically dispersed?

Another question to raise about these sequences is how much time should be allocated to the course? 

  • Analyse learners’ needs

What do your learners think about it? Have you analysed the satisfaction surveys of your offer? Are some courses considered too long? Overly top-down? This is a clear indication that you need Blended Learning. Do your learners find it hard to follow certain e-learning courses which they consider too linear? Not interactive enough? Adding the human element to a stage in this process can make all the difference.

  • Choose the right tools

Once you have identified your need, make a complete mapping of the learning experience. This map should include the methods you wish to use, which will allow you to identify the tools required: digital learning platform, application, LMS, classroom management platform, videoconferencing tool, etc.

Ensure that your tools are completely integrated with each other to smoothen the learning pathway. In a mobile learning application for example, add a link to sign up for in-class courses.


The flipped classroom, a learner-centric training model

The flipped classroom is a concept which is widely used in the world of education. However, blended learning objectives echo the set-up proposal of a flipped learning sequence. The notion of a flipped classroom fits perfectly with the definition of blended learning, as it makes it possible to distinguish independent learning time and group time, managed by a coach or trainer.

→ Independent learning time is generally provided before and after synchronous time. It enables learners to explore training supports independently.

For example, prior to the course: mobile learning content exploring the goals, key concepts, a few anchoring and self-assessment activities, allowing learners to grasp the scope of the subject matter and to raise questions.

After the course, providing “take-away” content summing up the course’s key components. The content can also provide a satisfaction questionnaire. In the context of mobile learning, a discussion forum can also be provided to encourage interaction and therefore long-term learning through social learning.

→ Group time, meanwhile, is intended for practical application and questions for the trainer. Group work enables learners to share their understanding and doubts and therefore places an onus on collective intelligence and collaborative working. 

Would you like to find out more about the flipped classroom? (Re)discover our article on the topic.

Blended Learning is therefore a mixed training method which enables training to be optimised in order to make it more effective. Of course, it is far from sufficing in itself. It is intended to encourage training managers to extricate themselves from the least relevant material from in-class learning, and allow trainers to reclaim their central role as educators.




[Press Release] LumApps announces the acquisition of Teach on Mars, the leader in microlearning in Europe

[Press Release] LumApps announces the acquisition of Teach on Mars, the leader in microlearning in Europe

LumApps, the B2B SaaS scale-up revolutionizing the intranet, is acquiring the French start-up Teach on Mars. Starting from December2023, the teams of Teach on Mars (50 collaborators) will join LumApps (300collaborators); and the 5 million users of the scale-up will be able to access the mobile learning solution directly from their digital workplace.