This year, the Training Award was split into two separate prizes:
- the Native Training Award, presented to the best 100% Martian course, created entirely with the native activities of the Teach on Mars solution.
- the Integrated Training Award bestowed to the best course created from the synergy between the Teach on Mars solution and other authoring tools.
3 criteria were considered:
- architecture (coherence, choice of activities)
- graphic and editorial style
- interactivity (engagement and learner support)
After the initial deliberations, 3 courses were selected from each category and Bon Marché’s course: “Exposition Comme un Poisson dans l’Eau” [“Like a Fish to Water Exhibition“] won the best native training award.
N.B: an article about the best integrated training is coming soon.

The world’s leading department store, Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche, opened in Paris in 1852, under the aegis of Aristide Boucicaut and his wife Marguerite. A veritable Mecca of modern trade, Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche has constantly reinvented itself over the years to continue to surprise and delight customers. As well as offering a cutting-edge selection of products ranging from fashion to homeware, it is a hub of art and culture, playing host to shows, exhibitions and boasting a full artistic programming. La Grande Epicerie Rive Gauche, which celebrated its centenary last year and Rive Droite, which opened in 2017, titillate customers’ tastebuds through a combination of expertise and commercial mindedness.
Launched in 2020, HelloLearning is the Le Bon Marché and La Grande Epicerie de Paris training app. It is intended for all staff members and supplements classroom training sessions. Since 2023, the Store’s Demonstration teams have also had access to the app.

The winning module was designed with sales teams in mind.
The aim being to offer the teams a preview of the artistic and commercial exhibition “Like a Fish in Water”, held in the Store at the start of 2023.
The purpose was to enable the teams to promote the exhibition among customers.
Varied field-based activities
The templates are varied and were ingeniously selected to suit the course aim.
Yingqi LIN – International Digital Learning Manager – Dior – Jury member
There is a variety of activities (challenge, survey, scramble game, etc.) aligned with the defined pedagogical objectives; the operational dimension is very strong.
For example, the Scramble Game activity checks learners’ ability to discuss micro-donations with customers. In the same vein, the Challenge activity involves a role play with a series of customer questions, where learners need to select the best answers.

Courses rendered more human through humour aimed at learners
I particularly liked the tone and humour which make you feel like you’re being guided by a real coach. It infuses the learning process with light-heartedness.
Marion MANNEVEAU – Head of Retail Training – Eric Bompard – Jury member
The course contains touches of humour with plays on words and jokes to avoid a top-down aspect in the course, and which create complicity with the learner. Here for example are a few mobile course extracts that feature a quirky or light-hearted tone:

Real complicity is forged between the guide or ‘coach’ and learners, the course is rendered more human in this way and makes users feel like they are doing a synchronous course with a real-life trainer, as emphasised by Yingqi LIN (International Digital Learning Manager at Dior and Jury member): “The use of language is very punchy, I feel like there’s a fun-loving coach supporting me. I feel very engaged.”
Focus on the key information
The course gets straight to the point, the number of cards per mobile course is limited and the cards fit on one screen.
Learners are not swamped with perfunctory information and the key points are showcased. In the same way, scored activities have clear goals to test learners on essential information only. Learners are also provided with a recap sheet at the end of the course.

Explore the winning course
Discover a few extracts from the winning course:
We hope these best practices will leave you feeling inspired!
See you for the next episode when we look back at the winning Best Integrated Training Award!

D’abord éditrice de manuels scolaires, professeure et coordinatrice pédagogique à l’Université, Julia a rejoint l’équipe Learning Experience chez Teach on Mars pour apporter ses compétences en pédagogie. La gamification et la différenciation pédagogique sont notamment ses chevaux de bataille.