Mobile Learning – fresh impetus for training providers

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Unsettled – to put it mildly – by the introduction of Qualiopi and two years of Covid, training providers have not remained unscathed over the last two years. That said, the sector is strong and resilient, and 2022 is set to offer an opportunity to prove this once again. 

When we discuss the situation over coffee, professional training stakeholders usually express optimism and tend to view this time as a wonderful opportunity to reshape the profession and to innovate. They have been buoyed by the swift recovery of in-class training and the accelerated maturity of companies when it comes to digital, phygital and hybrid training, in short multimodal training, which is well-known but which has suddenly received a new lease of life!

If you are a training organisation, a consulting firm or a digital agency and you have yet to move over to digital training, here’s some expert advice.

1. “Get trainers involved with the roll-out” 

Amandine Tugal-Théon –  Cabinet Emprise.

Struck by forced unemployment or obliged to accept digitised practices, trainers have often suffered due to the situation. It is high time they were included in the digital movement in a positive and constructive manner. The “pleasure” approach, which highlights the advantages of blended learning, is a great deal more efficient when we take the time to do things properly. Training providers therefore have much to gain by including trainers.

2. “No method works well alone” 

Jérôme Wargnier – Alberon Partners.

Pay attention not to use new words to describe existing practices or worse, wax lyrical about a new practice which dismisses all the others. Digital expansion is a wonderful opportunity, but it should always be at the core of a blended-learning approach with high added value. Training providers should always think blended.

“We all chose this profession out of sheer passion and over time we’ve forgotten this concept…at Albéron we’re breathing fresh life into it! Generosity and humanity take centre stage in our projects; we want individuals to prosper in their jobs through training”.

3. “Use a key-in-hand, high-quality offer and a modern and robust platform”

David Raymond – Skillsday

Let’s be honest, digital learning can be complicated, that’s why you need to be efficient, save time and avoid mishaps. If good content already exists and is ready to use, you may as well save your energy and preserve your investment for organising your roll-out, and opt for blended learning and in particular, individual synchronous or group sessions with a high added value.

4. “Training now addresses the entire ecosystem of the extended company” 

Amandine Mayer – Tempo&Co

Middlemen, distributors, retailers, partners, suppliers and, of course, customers! The target of courses is expanding as fast as the ease with which they can be built and disseminated. Final customers, often over-solicited by digital marketing and viral ads, can show renewed interest in a brand and its products if they perceive an advantage in terms of learning and skills development for their daily activities. It is no longer just trainees who can benefit from access to training, it’s the training provider’s entire ecosystem.

5. “Recreate ties, to keep people as the central focus of digital technology” 

Clémence Navarron – Mademoiselle Scarlett – Groupe Makhéia

Immersive, on-boarding days and integration seminars are finding it hard to recover to pre-covid levels. Maintaining ties is crucial for working relations. We have seen several engaging initiatives: 30 second video portraits in “clip-web” format, presenting professions and professionals, the roll-out of “show TV” with very short “capsule shows” followed by “flash-quizzes” in the Live! training app. Or an extension of posted content from the field encouraging the community to react, etc.

[Press Release] LumApps announces the acquisition of Teach on Mars, the leader in microlearning in Europe

[Press Release] LumApps announces the acquisition of Teach on Mars, the leader in microlearning in Europe

LumApps, the B2B SaaS scale-up revolutionizing the intranet, is acquiring the French start-up Teach on Mars. Starting from December2023, the teams of Teach on Mars (50 collaborators) will join LumApps (300collaborators); and the 5 million users of the scale-up will be able to access the mobile learning solution directly from their digital workplace.