After landing its rocket in London, Casablanca and then Geneva in September, Teach on Mars heads off to Italy. As part of its ongoing European expansion, Teach on Mars has sponsored the French Tech Days Italy. This event, organised by the Business France team on October 15 and 16, 2019 at Le Village by CA in Milan, included various workshops, talks and pitch sessions to boost the French Tech ecosystem based in Milan.
On the first day, Teach on Mars took part in the talk on open innovation strategy. Emmanuel Remy, International Operations at Teach on Mars, gave a presentation on “Mobile learning in the performance era” (“Il learning nell’era della performance”).
The second day was the highlight of the event, with Teach on Mars inviting its Italian prospects and clients to the very first Breakfast on Mars in its Italian base. The breakfast was the perfect forum for presenting a client testimonial. Giorgia Bazzoli, Global Training Manager at Rimowa (a luxury luggage brand and subsidiary of the LVMH Group), shared her feedback on the mobile learning system set up for 1050 customer advisors in more than 150 points of sale. In her talk she reviewed the onboarding process that allows the brand’s sales force to acquire excellent knowledge of the company, its products and selling ceremonies in record time. The morning was wrapped with a discussion and networking session.

Cornélia a enfilé sa tenue de cosmonaute en 2017 en rejoignant Teach on Mars. Elle a d’abord dédié 5 années à accompagner les clients en tant que Customer Success Manager. Elle a ensuite pris une nouvelle trajectoire en pilotant les projets de communication et de marketing avec une ambition constante : explorer la galaxie pour renforcer la réputation de l’entreprise et soutenir son développement. Animée par une approche centrée sur le client, Cornélia contribue à renforcer les relations durables, la satisfaction des clients et à soutenir la croissance de l’entreprise.