Perhaps you are a partner or a customer of Teach on Mars and design learning content using our solution?And you wouldn’t say no to some well-earned recognition for your Mobile Learning expertise? Then why not take part in the 2019 Mobile Learning Awards and make your mark at the awards ceremony to be held at the Partner Forum on March 28!
Let’s reward our top Mobile Learning authors together
Get ready, it starting blocks time because Teach on Mars is now officially launching the second edition of the Mobile Learning Awards! Partners wishing to enter the race can submit in four awards categories:
- Trends: hot topics or innovations,
- Expertise: generic knowledge related to a business speciality, profession or sector,
- Soft Skills: behavioural skills and personal development,
- Corporate: programmes related to a specific client (products & services, onboarding, corporate culture, etc.)
Plus an additional category will be devoted to our customers also competing:
- Customers: programmes created by a customer using in-house resources, all categories combined.
Like last year, the lucky winners of the competition will be nominated after an internal preselection process by Teach on Mars’ Mobile Learning consultants, followed by the evaluation conducted by an external jury made up of a panel of L&D experts. Two special prizes will also be awarded from across all categories: a Coup de Cœur favourite and a Grand Prix prize.
Apply for a seat on the Jury panel
No jury, no awards! Should you not wish to compete as a candidate this time, another vital role awaits: why not become a member of the Mobile Learning Awards Jury! Evaluate the pre-selected courses, determine the winners and award the prizes at the ceremony – such will be your mission if you accept the role.
So if you’d like to sit on the Awards Jury panel, let us know by completing the registration form available here, so we can contact you to confirm eligibility together.
Visibility for your Mobile Learning expertise
Whether you’re a partner or a customer, we value your participation. To do so, simply check your course or programme meets these three criteria:
- It is developed with Teach on Mars technology, in French or in English,
- It contains between 5 and 30 learning activities, with at least 5 types of activity,
- It applies excellent editorial and graphic principles.
Thinking of taking part? Get all the information you need for your application by downloading the full presentation and rules of the competition.
If you have questions about the competition, we are organising two information sessions with Q&A slots on January 10 and 11, from 10:30 to 11:30 am. To register, this way please!
And if you aren’t a user of our solutions yet, there is still time to join the race via our fast-track onboarding, by writing to!
Find all the resources you need:
- To become a member of the external Jury: registration form
- To register as a candidate:
- To attend the information sessions: registration form
Our organising team will be happy to answer any other question at the following address: The team is also looking forward to taking registrations to attend the evening. Enrolment will be opening very shortly.

Because even the fastest ship in the galaxy needs literary horsepower in the cockpit, Delphine teleported aboard the Teach on Mars rocket and set a course for the brand new Learning Station. She’s 50% humanities junkie, 50% innovation addict, and 100% steady hand at the helm.