Producing effective introductory training

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Why not provide your leaners with introductory training?

Introductory training is an effective way of presenting your application to learners.

In particular, it helps them to explore your app step by step, by showing them the various tabs, features and explaining all the practical details.
It is also an excellent way of showcasing the app and of describing the training system’s purpose: how can they use it? What difference will it make to their daily lives? What will they find out?

Finally, this exploration course is also an opportunity to delineate the app’s highlights and to give details of the training calendar.

How to build a getting started course?

Introductory training should be short, efficient and impactful.
There should be no more than two modules and 4-6 activities (which should also be brief).

Here is a structure template:

Key elements of getting started

Be sure to explain the application’s different tabs and their use:

  • the Wall to see the latest news,
  • the training tab for all your training offers,
  • the search function to easily find the desired content,
  • the profile page to find all your statistics and settings,
  • the social tab, containing key links.

It is also important to mention the following features to guarantee learners get to grips with the application:

  • the ‘download’ button to access a course,
  • the ‘setting’ button to modify the default language, activate/deactivate notifications and access ‘contact’ if needed,
  • badges (briefly explain how badges work),
  • points (without going into detail but explaining how learners accumulate points by completing activities),
  • rankings (within a course).

For optimum transmission, add videos to explain the various features.

In this article you’ll find everything you need to create a successful training video.


What’s next?

You can add key details and information about upcoming training releases to the getting started course.
For example, you can provide learners with a calendar of future course releases (over two or three months).

We hope these recommendations will inspire you to create lively and effective introductory courses!


Get the low-down from June’s SkyLAB – AI-assisted course creation 

Get the low-down from June’s SkyLAB – AI-assisted course creation 

For the European Parliament, artificial intelligence is the ability of a machine to “display human-like capabilities such as reasoning, planning and creativity”. The scope of AI is vast: machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and so on.
For this SkyLAB, we explored generative AI – a branch of artificial intelligence that creates new content using automatic teaching models, be it text, images, music or other kinds of data.