New year – new strategy
Back-to-work time in September is an opportunity to roll out new practices on the app and let your learners know about the new strategy. This will help you to start fresh and motivate learners to connect to find out what’s new.
Lots of our clients use this time to:
- offer a new training catalogue,
- provide a new editorial strategy on the wall,
- implement a new blended learning system, etc.
Here is an example of a communication for promoting your new course offering:
The chance to motivate inactive learners
September is also an opportunity to mobilise inactive learners – those who have never connected or who seldom connect. To achieve this, we recommend deploying an email campaign in September to promote the app.
You can combine the digital campaign with a print version and print out flyers or posters for the occasion.
Here are a few poster ideas to put up in the break room/reception/meeting room to galvanise your learners:
- quiz → question with 3 possible answers and the response to be found in the associated course,
- anecdote/fun fact → taken from a course/communication,
- verbatim → an employee’s profile with their opinion about the app/their favourite course, etc.
Back-to-work event?
You can also use the back-to-work period to create an in-app event such as a competition, a challenge, or a focus on…
For example, you can create a ‘revision’ competition with the main courses of 2023 and a large-scale quiz to test learners’ knowledge of these topics.
You can also propose a back-to-work event, with an onus on soft skills for a chilled return to work, i.e two weeks centred around wellbeing in the workplace: stress management, disconnecting, remote working, and so on.
You can also create an event to bring your teams together i.e:
- a team challenge → training course to follow in-app; the team with the most points wins,
- a job-specific challenge → provide one or more courses to discover employees’ daily lives with job-specific quizzes for example.
We hope that these tips will help you to re-dynamise your learners and kick off the new year of study with success!

D’abord éditrice de manuels scolaires, professeure et coordinatrice pédagogique à l’Université, Julia a rejoint l’équipe Learning Experience chez Teach on Mars pour apporter ses compétences en pédagogie. La gamification et la différenciation pédagogique sont notamment ses chevaux de bataille.