It’s a chilly November morning in an overcast London, and Teach on Mars has a rendez-vous with the learning leader from one of the iconic maisons of the LVMH Group. Sense of déjà-vu here, or what? It must be that Learning & Performance Institute Awards time of year again!
The LPI Awards are arguably the most prestigious event of their kind in the annual UK EdTech industry calendar. The best of the best from the L&D space across the world submit their entries for the competition in September every year. Finalists are announced in October, and then meet the Judging Panel in person at a series of face-to-face November showcase meetings in London, where they make their case for winning one of the three prizes on offer in each category. They then have to contain their excitement for three whole months as they await the announcement of the winner at a Gala Awards Evening held in February.
Anything we do in 2019…
The run-up to Christmas last year saw Teach on Mars in London with Acqua di Parma to present their highly successful Yellow You mobile app to the Judging Panel as one of six Finalists in the Digital Transformation Category. When Gala night came around, both companies were delighted to walk away with a highly coveted Bronze Award – a great achievement for a first participation.
The 2020 edition of the LPI Awards are the biggest yet. With literally hundreds of entries from well over 50 countries. The Gala wil be streamed live across the planet. The whole event is a marvellous platform for learning companies of all sizes to demonstrate their capacity for innovation and their ability to have a measurable business impact.
…we can do in 2020
This year, Teach on Mars was delighted to submit an entry in the Learning Technologies Category in collaboration with Parfums Dior UK & Ireland. The entry focused on the compelling story of Parfums Dior’s deployment of the MyDior mobile learning app and the contribution it has made to the emergence of a “learn on the go” culture across their organisation.
From dozens of entries Teach on Mars/Parfums Dior was selected as one of just seven Finalists – which in of itself is no mean feat. And so it was that the morning of November 12 last saw Daniel Muccio, Digital Learning Project Manager for Parfums Dior, meeting the LPI Awards Judging Panel to talk about what he has been able to achieve utilising Teach on Mars technology, accompanied and assisted by Teach on Mars Chief Storyteller, Adam Charlesworth.
Technology so powerful it literally disappears
Up against fellow Finalists with tech-heavy solutions in areas such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Teach on Mars/Parfums Dior chose to showcase an approach that goes back to the fundamentals of learning technology. Learning is about people – and so learning technology should not be a distraction or a constraint or a source of complexity. It should be so powerful, so intuitive and so enabling that it literally blends into the background of a learner experience that places the individual – be he a learner, a trainer or a manager in the field – at the heart of the process.
Daniel told a compelling story of the simplicity and accessibility of the Teach on Mars technology. About how every single member of his learner population at Parfums Dior UK & Ireland, regardless of their tech background, was able to get to grips with the solution. About how it has enabled him to create a safe, reassuring environment where skills and behaviour development challenges are no longer threatening, or sources of stress and anxiety. He illustrated how the deep gamification of the Teach on Mars solution has made learning a fun, social experience. And how friendly competition has hugely accelerated the emergence of a learning culture based on collective intelligence and knowledge sharing across his point of sale network.
Digital learning with soul… underpinned by hard data
In painting this picture of a solution that enables the creation of a personalised human connection with every individual learner, Danny perfectly illustrated the Teach on Mars conviction that its technology delivers “digital learning with soul”.
At the same time, he underlined hard business benefits for Parfums Dior UK & Ireland. Benefits like a powerful mobile-native tool-suite that has enabled him to build critical new instructional design capability throughout his L&D team and his subject-matter expert community quickly and painlessly. Or like the deep-dive, real-time data on learning performance that Teach on Mars delivers to him and all his operational line managers, meaning they can home in on individual development challenges and make sure every team member gets precisely the targeted learning and performance coaching support they need.
All seven Finalists in the Learning Technologies category deserve sincere congratulations and Teach on Mars wishes them the best of luck. The red-and-white rocket team have their fingers crossed that their entry with Parfums Dior UK & Ireland will strike a chord with the Judging Panel.
All that remains now is to wait until February. The suspense is already unbearable!

Adam has been developing and leading Corporate Universities for companies all over the world for most of the last 15 years.