The red-and-white rocket is London-bound again, and will be landing at the annual Learning Live event for the second year running in early September.
No sooner has the dust settled on the resounding success of its third annual Mobile Learning Summer University than the Teach on Mars team is already planning its next exciting mission. Straight after the summer break, a crew will be setting course for London and the Learning Live event organised by the Learning & Performance Institute (LPI) on September 4 and 5.
The LPI is one of the world’s foremost and most respected authorities on workplace learning, and Learning Live is its annual flagship event, bringing together more than 500 learning leaders from across the world for two days of debate, co-creation and best practice sharing on the burning issues currently being faced by organisations looking to reboot the way they think about training and talent development.
Among the marquee themes that delegates will be able to debate with high-profile keynote speakers at the 2019 edition are “How To Build A Learning Culture”, “Digital Transformation Of Learning”, “New Learning Formats” and “Content Curation”. Teach on Mars has plenty of innovative insights and great stories to tell on these topics, and is already looking forward to making plenty of new contacts as well as catching up with some old friends from the UK EdTech sector.
This second participation at Learning Live comes as the Sophia-Antipolis start-up is moving its relationship with the LPI to a new level of strategic impact, following a much appreciated keynote speech by Edmund Monk, LPI CEO, at the Teach on Mars Mobile Learning Summer University in early July.
It will also see the latest in a long line of successful collaborations with high-profile clients, as Teach on Mars hosts an interactive seminar on the morning of September 5 that will showcase the experience of Daniel Muccio from Parfums Christian Dior in deploying his own mobile learning app with Teach on Mars.
You can get more information on Learning Live here.
The Teach on Mars crew hopes to see you there!

Adam has been developing and leading Corporate Universities for companies all over the world for most of the last 15 years.