At Teach on Mars, we’re constantly striving to improve the mobile learning experience for all our users. As a software publisher, the ongoing development of our product is an essential part of our business and customer satisfaction continues to be our goal. To achieve that, we place enormous importance on what Teach on Mars users have to say, and that applies to end users, trainers and training managers, whatever their specialties and whatever their mission. By combining the experience and feedback of all our users when designing our product, we stay on course and make sure everyone gets the benefit of all the feedback we receive.
It all starts here!
Many of our customers are now in the habit of emailing us feedback on our solution. A sight for sore eyes!
But seriously, receiving verbatim feedback freely penned by Teach on Mars users really helps us understand how they use our platform and the limits they come up against on occasion. And with no filter or intermediary involved, the message comes through loud and clear.
We want more!
Our ambition at Teach on Mars is to create a real community of users that will be able to genuinely influence our product going forward. And with this in mind, we have evolved this system of sending feedback into a dynamic exchange portal where our customers can not only send their ideas but also consult those of other users, comment on them and even vote! With this extra interactivity, our team will get a much clearer view of the feedback that the community itself considers to be really important.
So what happens next?
The role of the Feedback Manager in the Teach on Mars product team is to manage this incoming flow of feedback to make sure it’s used as effectively as possible. Each item of feedback is analyzed and categorized by the Feedback Manager who can also engage with the feedbacker on the portal to better understand the context. Related feedback is collated and fed into a database to become a repository of choice for our product design team.
A tweak to an interface that could make a customer’s life easier, a new idea for a learning activity or a whole new concept – there’s no limit to the kinds of suggestions we can take on board!
And that’s not all!
From the suggestions we get, we select the ones that require only minor changes but which offer real benefits to the user. These enhancements can be gradually incorporated with the incremental product updates that also include fixes requested by the product support team. The process allows us to directly notify the feedbacker when his or her suggestion has been deployed. Improvements introduced in this way also appear in the release notes available directly from our platform.
But what about the rest?
Other feedback is directed to our Think Tank, a database of ideas organised by functional category. The Think Tank gives us an understanding of functional areas that could be enhanced. When we design a new feature or improve an area of our product, the Think Tank helps guide our discussions by including any relevant feedback received. We may organise workshops at this stage so that users are directly involved in changes to the solution.
Some customers are always eager to preview and test out our new features. That great for us because we reap the benefit of new functionality confronted with real conditions of use before we roll them out to all our customers.
To make sure you get the benefit of all the latest updates to our solution, our marketing team is constantly feeding up-to-the-minute information through multiple channels. Your options are: subscribe to our YouTube channel, read our blog or subscribe to our newsletter.

Quentin has been involved in the design and development of digital training solutions for 15 years. He puts his skills at the service of the Teach on Mars mission since the very first seconds of the project. He also coordinates the social and environmental initiative Teach on Earth.