There isn’t an industry on earth that isn’t being shaken to its core by digital transformation. Helping members of the extended workforce of all generations and cultures acquire new skills, adopt new tools and come to terms with the new digital reality of their profession regularly features at the very top of lists of critical strategic challenges identified by business leaders. Mobile learning with Teach on Mars embraces the game-changing technology in an inclusive, non-threatening and engaging experience that will get any population on board quickly and effectively.

A major international insurance group used Teach on Mars as a scalable and engaging means to create awareness and build critical, cross-functional skillsets when faced with a challenge of digital culture change.
Using the Teach on Mars mobile-native learning content authoring tool, it built highly attractive and gamified training resources on topics such as Big Data and AI, which it was then able to deploy to tens of thousands of users simultaneously in Big Bang phygital event mode.

Delivering an elegant and intuitive user experience on a par with class-leading mobile apps direct to learners’ mobile devices using Teach on Mars’ ultra-robust deployment model, the client company ran a 30-day “interactive enter-trainment” event on a 100% voluntary basis. More than 27 000 employees joined the user community, launching a total of more than 780 000 separate competitive challenges.
The Teach on Mars back-end tracked participation and performance 24/7, keeping score in real-time leaderboards and handling peak loads of up to 40 000 simultaneous challenges. There was measurable impact on participant competency levels in the target skill areas, as well as the successful creation of an active social learning community, which was one of the key culture change objectives.